
Bsc Hons Fashion Marketing

Please note, these option units are indicative of what options may be offered in Year 3 of this program but may be subject to change. This unit enables the development of a personal design philosophy, identifying areas of expertise within a explainopedia specialism, advancing individual practice through design research and specialist material and construction technologies. This unit enables the exploration and evaluation of how existing and emerging technologies impact upon sustainable fashion/sportswear practices. Students will explore future facing fashion/sportswear solutions that use technology to provide innovative design, manufacturing and/or communication solutions and concepts that promote positive change. Advanced Communications MSc It holistically considers the whole process from selecting roles, applications, CV development, interviews, assessment centers. Students are equipped with all the core skills for them to apply and enter a professional career within a marketing

Undergraduate Degree Courses

The fee for a single credit is £77.08 and a 15 credit module is £1,156. Part-time students can take up to a maximum 90 credits per year, so the maximum fee in a given year will be the government permitted maximum fee of £6,935. Remember, you don't have to pay any of this upfront if you are able to get a tuition fee loan from the UK Government to cover the full cost of your fees each year. This is a great investment you are making in your future, so make sure you know what is on offer to support you. Progression from one level of the programme to the next is subject to meeting the University’sacademic regulations. The module provides students with the opportunity to work collaboratively with others when undertaking research, and also to reflect on their own style of working and personal values, when working in teams. International Master Project Management Gain advanced knowledge of today’s complex global financial environment on our Finance and Accounting postgraduate course. S